Self Service Center

Please note that these forms are not to be used to promote or engage in the unauthorized practice of law. The court does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information contained in the forms or instructions, nor for any actions taken in reliance upon them.

Self-represented persons are required to know and follow proper procedures, just like an attorney. No allowance is made for a person who does not understand or is unaware of what must be done in a court case. If you choose to represent yourself, it is suggested that you consult with an attorney about your case or to review your paperwork before you file it with the court.

Click on the links below for the packets of forms that are available.

Para buscar una versión en español de los formularios para el Tribunal Superior, favor de hacer clic en el enlace que aparece a continuación que le llevará al sitio de internet del Condado de Maricopa. Siga los enlaces para bajar el formulario que desee usar. Si baja la versión del formulario para Microsoft Word, usted va a poder cambiar el encabezado para que sea “Yavapai” en lugar de “Maricopa” antes de imprimir el formulario. NÓTESE que es posible que el Condado de Yavapai no acepte todos los formularios del Condado de Maricopa.

Sitio de Internet del Condado de Maricopa

La Suprema Corte de Arizona también ofrece ayuda a las personas con conocimiento limitado del inglés en Esta página ofrece información sobre los servicios para trámites en los tribunales y proporciona enlaces a los formularios traducidos al español que están disponibles para todo el estado. En esta página de internet usted va a localizar otros formularios vitales que se están traduciendo ahora al español para otros tipos de casos y será actualizada con regularidad.

Protective Orders

AZPOINT, the Arizona Protective Order Initiation and Notification Tool, has been designed to help you fill out a petition for an Order of Protection. Through an interview in AZPOINT, you can quickly and accurately fill out the forms that are needed to request an Order of Protection at an Arizona court. An Order of Protection is a court order that is issued to stop a person from committing domestic violence or from contacting other people protected by the order. The portal will also help you figure out whether you (the plaintiff) and the person from whom you are seeking protection (the defendant) have a qualifying relationship for an Order of Protection. Your information will be saved in AZPOINT for up to 90 days. At any time during this 90-day period, you may take the next step of filing your petition at an Arizona court. Until you file your petition at a court, you will be able to return to AZPOINT to update your information if necessary. You are encouraged to speak to a victim advocate before you file your petition. An advocate can help you make a safety plan and give you more information about how an Order of Protection works and how it will be served on the defendant. For more information, click here to go to AZPOINT.

Order of Protection

Injunction Against Harassment

Injunction Against Workplace Harassment


Divorce 101

Presentation available in PowerPoint(PPTX, 14MB) and PDF(PDF, 3MB) format

Divorce 101 is a free program for people who are thinking about, or have already filed for, divorce in Yavapai County and are representing themselves. You will receive basic information about how to make your divorce case flow smoothly. You will have the opportunity to hear from, and talk to, a Family Law Judge, Court Staff, and an Attorney who may be able to answer your questions.

Divorce 101 is held the 1st Wednesday of every month (unless it's a holiday) from 3:30-4:30 PM in the Prescott Courthouse, 120 S. Cortez St, Room 221, Prescott AZ 86303. 

Divorce 101 is also streamed live via Microsoft Teams. You may attend virtually by clicking on the following link: Divorce 101 Live Stream.