
Superior Court Calendar

Prescott and Camp Verde Superior Court

View Online Court Calendar

Although the data has been produced from sources believed to be reliable, it could contain technical inaccuracies. If you believe there are any errors or omissions, please reach out to the specific court Division for up-to-date information.

Division Weekly Courtroom Calendar

Division 3 - Honorable Tina R. Ainley
Division 8 - Honorable Debra R. Phelan(PDF, 588KB)
Division PTA - Honorable Kristyn M. Schaaf-Olson



Justice Court Calendars

Bagdad Yarnell Justice Court

General Court Calendar for Bagdad/Yarnell Justice Court

  • Arraignments - At both the Yarnell and Bagdad courthouses on Wednesdays at 11:00am.
  • Bench Trials - As scheduled
  • Civil Cases - Fridays
  • Civil Traffic Hearings - Monday afternoons
  • Criminal Misdemeanors Hearings - Tuesdays
  • Forcible Detainer Hearings - As scheduled
  • Injunctions Against Harassment - Immediate
  • Jury Trials - As scheduled
  • Open Court/Walk-in - At both the Yarnell and Bagdad courthouses on Wednesdays at 11:00am.
  • Orders of Protection - Immediate
  • Other Hearings/Trials - As scheduled
  • Outstanding Warrants - At Yarnell courthouse, Mondays (excluding holidays) at 9:00am. At Bagdad courthouse, Wednesdays at 10:00am.
  • Plea Agreements - As scheduled
  • Small Claims Hearings - As scheduled

Mayer Justice Court

The Mayer Justice Court Facility is open from 8:00 a.m. until Noon and from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. weekdays excluding holidays. The Black Canyon City Justice Building is open by appointment or court order ONLY.

Typical Court Calendar

Civil Cases - Monday and Wednesday
Civil Traffic Hearings - Thursday
Criminal Traffic and Misdemeanors - Tuesday mornings and afternoons
Criminal Traffic Trials - Tuesday afternoons
Forcible Detainer Hearings - as necessary
Injunctions Against Harassment - as necessary
Jury Trials - Thursday and Friday
Monthly Payments on Fines - Not accepted
Orders of Protection - as necessary
Other Hearings/Trials - as scheduled
Outstanding Warrants - Tuesdays at 9:00am or on a walk-in basis when schedule permits
Plea Agreements - as scheduled by the court staff or on a walk-in basis, as time permits
Small Claims Hearings - as scheduled

Prescott Consolidated Justice/City Court

Seligman Justice Court

Telephone No(s): (928) 422-3281/(928) 771-3358


Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Closed from 12:00-1:00

*(Please note all court hours stated are on ARIZONA TIME)*

Closed Holidays

Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. are Open Court Days for Criminal Matters

Please call or email the court for scheduling of all other matters or for further questions.


Verde Valley Justice Court

Hours of Operation

Municipal Court Calendars

Chino Valley Municipal Court

Telephone:  (928) 636-4534


Hours of Operation: Monday – Thursday 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Closed Fridays & Major Holidays


  • Orders to Show Cause, etc @ 1:30pm
  • Open Court from 2:00pm – 3:00pm
  • Civil Traffic Hearings @ 2:00pm & 2:30pm


  • Criminal Arraignments @ 8:30am
  • Orders to Show Cause, etc @ 10:00am
  • Civil Arraignments @ 10:30am  -  PLEASE NOTE: You may take care of Civil / Civil Traffic Citations any time on or before the appearance date of your citation, provided the court has received the citation from the agency


  • Criminal Pretrial Conferences starting @ 9:00am
  • Criminal Bench Trials @ 1:00pm

Clarkdale Magistrate

Hours of Operation: Tuesday – Thursday  8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Closed Mondays, Fridays and Major Holidays

Monday:             Closed

Tuesday:             Civil Traffic Trials: 9:00 – 10:00  a.m.

                             OSC Hearings: 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.

                             Open Court:  1:00 – 4:30 p.m.                

Wednesday:       Criminal Matters:   8:30 am – 4:00 p.m.

Thursday:            Civil Traffic Appearances and Civil Traffic Trials:  8:30 am – 12:00 noon

PLEASE NOTE:  You may take care of Civil Traffic Citations any time during regular business hours on or before the appearance date on your citation, provided the Court has received the citation from the Agency.

Friday:                Closed

Please contact the Court for scheduling of all other matters, including weddings. 

Cottonwood Municipal

Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Closed Major Holidays

Monday:              Open Court

Tuesday:              Civil Traffic Trials: 9:00 – 10:00  a.m.

OSC Hearings: 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.

                             Open Court:  1:00 – 4:30 p.m.

Wednesday:      Criminal Matters:   8:30 am – 4:00 pm

Thursday:            Civil Traffic Appearances and Civil Traffic Trials:  8:30 am – 12:00 noon

PLEASE NOTE:  You may take care of Civil Traffic Citations any time during regular business hours on or before the appearance date on your citation, provided the Court has received the citation from the Agency.

Friday:                Open Court

Please contact the Court for scheduling of all other matters, including weddings.

Dewey-Humboldt Magistrate Court

Telephone:  (928) 632-0008


Hours of Operation: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.  Closed between 12:00pm – 1:00pm.

Closed: Mondays, Fridays & Major Holidays


  • Orders to Show Cause @ 10:00am.
  • Criminal Pretrial Conferences 3rd Tuesday of each month at 12:00pm.
  • Criminal Arraignments 3rd Tuesday of each month at 1:00pm.


  • Civil Arraignments  2nd Wednesday of each month @ 9:00am 

PLEASE NOTE: You may take care of Civil / Civil Traffic Citations any time on or before the appearance date of your citation, provided the court has received the citation from the citing agency.

Please contact the Court for scheduling of all other matters.


Jerome Municipal Court

Telephone: (928) 649-3250


Hours of Operation: Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Please contact court before coming as we may be closed for inclement weather, training and/or staffing issues.


  • Orders to Show Cause, Arraignments, Civil Traffic Hearings 1:30PM – 3:30PM
  • Bench Trials as needed
  • Open Court any time after 10:00AM
  • Criminal Pretrial Conferences 2nd Thursday of the month 9:30AM.


  • Civil Arraignments @ 10:00am  -  PLEASE NOTE: You may take care of Civil / Civil Traffic Citations any time on or before the appearance date of your citation, provided the court has received the citation from the agency

Please contact the Court for scheduling of all other matters.